ManX War

My Great American Novel.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Postwar GTA

The titanic struggles left the GTA in seriously weakened position. Dozens of its worlds were shattered by the battles and casualties were over three hundred million. Its powerful fleet was reduced to barely twenty percent its prewar strength.

Still, the GTA had won its political and economic freedom from the Republic. The first few years after the war finally wound down saw the GTA struggle to feed its population. GTA scientists and engineers work miracles devising new ways to rebuild the infrastructure.

Orbital habitats were quickly converted for use as farms, providing food for devastated worlds incapable of providing basic necessities to the people. Terraforming techniques are refined to decontaminate and reclaim vast tracts of land.

Matter replicating devices help to quickly manufacture new parts and equipment. A variant, dubbed the autochef, provides food to milllions of starving citizens. This amazing invention is soon incorporated into every new home being built

Industrial scale replicators are assembled, kickstarting the rebuilding process. The massive replicators are capable of quickly assembling massive beams used as building frameworks. Enormous new megacities are built upon the ruins of the old. Homes are provided for all citizens and no one lacks for work.

Planetary defenses, once thought strong enough to withstand any attack, but frequently proven woefully inadequate, are given a high priority. For the first time in human history, a planetary defense screen is built around an entire world. Every major GTA world is equipped with one within sixty years.

Further innovations in artificial intelligence and quantum computing sees the implementation of androids and robots in spaceship construction and repair, replacing human clones. The inclusion of autochefs significantly reduces the food and personnel requirements aboard new warships, allowing an increase in ships' systems, most notably weapons and shield.

Within seventy-five years of the wars end, the GTA is stronger and more than vital than ever before. Their technological achievments leave them at the forefront of human society.