ManX War

My Great American Novel.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I'm not really certain if I'm going to publish the stories online at this time. This is mainly a place for me to save my ideas and then write up the story later. I may even self publish the book (more on this in another post).

I've always had an interest in writing, particularly sci-fi and fantasy novels. Why? Escapism, mainly. My life is pretty dull and the world outside is very dark right now. I've written a number of fanfic stories focussing on the just cancelled TV series, J.A.G.

My J.A.G. stories have gotten good reviews from the readers. I'm now ready to try something a little more ambitious.

The first ManX War novel has some dark elements to it. I don't want it to get too dark or focus on the evils man commits against himself. I also don't want to preach about the morality of cloning and slavery.

The second book picks up the story a few hundred years in the future. The Third Republic is at war shortly after making first contact with an alien species. Besieged by an implacable enemy, the Republic sends its top ambassador to ask the Manx Federation for help.

Mankind created clone armies to fight a civil war, then afterward continued the practice to help rebuild the dozens of worlds shattered in the fighting. After a few hundred years, clone servitude was commonplace as they performed many menial and high-risk jobs.

The clones have no rights and generally considered 'disposable'. The brutal murder of a 'servicer' (ie sex slave) sparks a rebellion that quickly engulfs a world and spreads rapidly throughout the Second Republic.

Unbeknownst to the Republic, high-ranking clone military officials have long been planning an insurrection of their own. The rebellion forces them to implement their plan ahead of schedule. The ensuing conflagration engulfs the Republic in a second civil war.
